Wednesday 9 July 2014

Tika's story

Tika had a very difficult start in life.  She had been attacked by 2 larger dogs when she was a puppy,
which had a huge negative effect on her.
Over her short lifespan, she went through many homes, some of which tied her up and locked her in sheds, alone and scared. 
She was considered to be a handful since she had gone through so many homes and felt abandoned each time.  As a result, she developed separation anxiety.

This special lady needed a special Mom to make her feel safe and loved.
With the help of K9 Connections, Tika found her forever home!
She now lives with a wonderful family who thinks she merits couch time!
 She immediately fell in love with her new brother, Gus!
This lucky girl loves going for walks!
Everyone loves a happy ending!